Behold these somewhat disturbing images of two of my Chicago Blues Brothers bandmates relaxing backstage after last month's Grays festival show. Dave appears to be making a bizarre protest at being asked to hang his stage shirt up whilst Mario... well, to be honest I'm not really sure what Mario was doing, 'though I definitely don't like the look of that wet patch on the floor... anyway, not being one to miss out on a cheap laugh (admit it, we're all as bad as each other!) I thought it might be fun to have a caption competition- you know, like they do on 'Have I Got News For You'. So- any ideas?
All this shameless stitching-up of my mates gives me chance to mention that we've just started a band blog from our website (edited by your humble narrator no less) where you can read about our wild 'n' wacky exploits as written by the lads 'n' lasses of the band themselves; go to-
- or follow the link from the C.B.B. website.
In the meantime, get captioning!- although let's face it, it's more than likely that Voltorol will win...
Picture 1 (Mario): "I think I've just burst my inflatable Drum Majorette..."
Picture 2: Dave demonstrates his new budget ski lift concept.
Well, after that I HAD to post an entry
Mario still felt a little overdressed for the Royal Command Performance
And after the gig Dave was quietly packed away until next time...
Dave is saying "you see, I told you this is what would happen if I tried playing Rachmaninov's left handed piano"
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